🌟 Blueseed Group – Vietnam top Local Agency has won the 7th Most Loved Employers in Journalism – Information – Media, Providing the Most Impressive Experience for Candidates

🎉 Representing a professional working environment committed to sustainable development, Blueseed Group is honored to be recognized as one of the Top 10 Most Loved Employers in journalism, information, and media. This accolade, voted by the CareerViet user community, also acknowledges our ability to provide the most impressive candidate experience.

🤩 Our mission at Blueseed Group is not only to create groundbreaking projects and products in the media sector but also to build an inspiring work environment where each individual has the opportunity to grow and contribute to the company’s overall success. This dedication ensures that Blueseed Group remains a reliable partner for brands.

Blueseed Group expresses deep gratitude to CareerViet and everyone who trusted and voted for us. Your support and confidence are great motivators, driving us to continually improve and grow every day.

We committed to providing the best career opportunities and a positive, challenging working environment for every member of our network.

🎉 The Blueseed office has just undergone a makeover, bringing the best experiences to our customers!

🚀 Behind this transformation lies not only the update in appearance but also Blueseed’s deep commitment to serving customers wholeheartedly, where every idea is valued, and every customer feels cared for and respected.

We sincerely thank our friends, partners, and customers who have always supported Blueseed on our journey. Together, we will continue to move forward and build strong and sustainable relationships.

NewExperience #Blueseed #Marketing #Mission



Blueseed 10-year journey

🎉Shout out to our great 10-year journey! We’ve reached many milestones and achieved terrific goals thanks to the contribution of each member of the Blueseed’s family.
đź’™ On this special day, lovely gifts have been carefully given on Blueseed’s members desks as a sincere appreciation for the effortless endeavors.
🤗 Let’s enjoy this wonderful ceremony and keep moving forward together on the next journey!

Blueseed was recently honored to participate in the exclusive ‘Google Agency Leadership Circle’ event held on the 13th and 14th of June at Google’s APAC office in Singapore. The event was attended by our very own Blueseed Digital Managing Director, Le Thi Thu Hoa, and Blueseed Media Managing Director, Le Thi Xuan Lan.

Google extended invitations to only the leading agencies across Southeast Asia, providing a platform for thought leaders to share insights and discuss the future of digital marketing businesses in the region.

Day 1: Keynote Harnessing AI for Profitable Growth

The first day kicked off with an enlightening keynote addressing how Google is leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to drive profitable growth for agencies and their clients. AI is already acting not just as an add-on or gimmick but a multiplier for agency businesses, transforming how we approach and solve problems and deliver improved solutions at scale.

The session also touched upon how agencies could assist clients in bridging the confidence gap to fully harness AI efficiencies, especially across Google’s advertising products.

Digital Transformation: The Undiscovered Opportunities

The subsequent sessions delved into the undiscovered opportunities in digital transformation, the APAC agency ecosystem, international expansion learnings from AU-NZ/Greater China, and the path forward. The discussions underscored the potential that still exists for agencies and our clients in the digital marketing space and how we can best provide solutions to maximize this potential.

Day 2: Navigating the Future and Driving Transformation

The second day focused on navigating the future of SEA agency business and driving agency sales transformation. The opening session set the tone, emphasizing the need to ‘Transform today to future proof tomorrow’.

We then delved into the key trends shaping the future of SEA agencies business, heard some inspiration stories from agency pioneers, and participated in a mini-roundtable discussion on what hinders change provoking key thoughts on how we can further embrace inevitable and beneficial change in our everyday operations.

The final sessions centered on organization sustainability and customer growth intervention. We learned about ‘The Google Sales Organisation Approach’ to growing customers and delivering them sustainable and ongoing value.

The ‘Google Agency Leadership Circle’ event was an enriching experience, filled with learning and networking opportunities. It was an honor to share space with the leading lights of the Southeast Asian digital marketing world and contribute to the important discussions shaping our industry’s future.

The whole Blueseed team are excited to embrace these insights and learnings to our teams and clients. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in digital marketing and look forward to driving growth and transformation in the times ahead.

As we continue to pioneer in the digital marketing space market, our partnership with Google remains a vital part of our journey. Together, we are confident of overcoming challenges, embracing opportunities, and shaping the future of digital marketing in Southeast Asia.

Offline events are coming back to the marketing industry enabling leaders of the Blueseed Group to get out and catch up on the latest and greatest in the industry. Youtube Brandcast was held on the 5th of December at the GEM Centre in Ho Chi Minh City. The event was attended by Blueseed members Ho Nguyen – Blueseed Group CEO, Thao Pham – Blueseed Media Performance Marketing Director and Tuan Trinh Blueseed’s Head of Products & Partnership.

Some highlight information shared in the event was the continued rise of Youtube as a video platform now reaching far beyond any TV channels in Vietnam. In June 2022 more than 45 million viewers 18+ watched Youtube videos.

Of those who are consuming content on the Youtube 99% have said they can find good high quality content on the platform.

One of the key innovations coming in Youtube ads will be vertical ads available in Youtube Shorts with the format also available on connected TVs – a fast growing device usage trend for Youtube bringing the viewing into living rooms and enabling advertisers to reach more traditional TV family audiences.

You can view the event highlights here:

Or contact your Blueseed Account Manager to find out how your brand can succeed on Youtube in 2023 and beyond!

The key challenges to branding in a digital space are reaching the right audience (targeting), making sure they can recognize your messaging (viewability) all within a suitable and safe space (brand safety). These have been the key driver’s of Blueseed’s ad network as we revolutionized video advertising in Vietnam and continue to innovate Adtech solutions as advertising becomes increasingly empowered by technology.

Toyota are well aware of these challenges and on the occasion of selling their 500,000th car in the Vietnam market wanted to create a high impact, intelligently targeted campaign to thank customers for trusting the brand with their car purchase choices. 

Blueseed’s solution was to extend the campaigns TVC reach and viewability via innovative video ad formats like Inread Plus and Inpicture. Both formats utilize key attention spaces within leading Vietnamese publishers’ premium content. This means we’re able to target specifically audiences who are interested in relevant content in premium environments. This in turn, delivers best possible campaign performance, in this campaign’s case the results were outstanding, exceeding KPIs and delivering a VCR (Video Completion Rate) of 45% amongst over 3 million people reached.

If you’re looking to reach your target audience with the most impactful advertising formats get in touch with us today!

The Digital Summit SEA organised by WR Digital is coming to Vietnam on the 20th and 21st of April 2022. 

The only premier summit looks into the future of business from the perspective of a digitally-savvy consumer who fully embraces a complete digital ecosystem – providing deep, engaging customer experiences through to powerful business insights. 

The 2-Day Summit focused on competing and meeting customers’ expectations with a micro-focus on key pillars in Omnichannel Content & Commerce, Personalization, Artificial Intelligence, Customer Experience, Customer Analytics, Social Media & Brand Management, Ecommerce/Enterprise Marketplace. 

The summit is packed with high-caliber speakers of Vietnam’s digital players that will surely help to improve the brand’s digital prowess. 

At the Premier Digital Summit Vietnam online focus Covid-19 has accelerated the shift toward digitization for many businesses across the country and the need to create meaningful engagement with consumers in every channel. Developing and serving the right content for the right place and time to increase brand awareness and create a consistent customer experience across channels. 

Meet our speakers: 

â—Ź Anh Le — Marketing Manager, Tiki Vietnam 

â—Ź Aske Ostergard — Co Founder & CEO, Decision Lab Vietnam 

â—Ź Bao Hoang Ho — Digital Director, Mediacom Vietnam 

â—Ź Benjamin Poirrier — Founder & CEO, Prodima Vietnam

â—Ź Danny NGO — Head of Digital, Transformation Ingo Vietnam 

â—Ź Tri (Kannie) Nguyen –Business Director, Phibious Group Vietnam 

â—Ź Vicky Cao — Growth Manager, Moengage Vietnam 

â—Ź Emmanuelle Gounot — CEO, Intrepid Vietnam 

â—Ź Kevin Kien Doan — CEO, Digityze Asia Vietnam 

â—Ź Khuong Tran — Chief Information Officer, TTC Sugar Vietnam 

â—Ź Mai Anh Le — Regional Country Manager, Global PR Hub Vietnam 

â—Ź Nguyen Thi Nhu Ngoc — Senior Marketing Manager, Worldpanel by Kantar Vietnam

â—Ź Peter Phuc Huynh — Regional Sales Director, Salesforce Vietnam 

â—Ź Phi Van Nguyen — Chairwoman, Vietnam Angel Network 

â—Ź Phuc Anh Do — COuntry Managing Director, Cloud Kinetics 

â—Ź Rakesh Singh — Country Manager and Commercial Director, APAC Bidmath Vietnam

â—Ź Sudesh Kumar — Chief Digital Officer, Hello Health Group Vietnam 

â—Ź Tuong Vi Nguyen — Head of Customer Experience, Viet an Group Vietnam 

Gain insightful knowledge on these hot issues within the industry to upgrade your brand:

â—Ź Digital Transformation Journey 

â—Ź The Future of Omnichannel starts today: Strategies That Will Help you Stay Ahead.

â—Ź Conversation with a Brand on personalization + customer experience journey

â—Ź Getting Customer Satisfaction Right with AI Analytics 

â—Ź Monitor customer behavior and analyze customer insights 

â—Ź How to deliver content-level personalization and ensure customer experience 

To attend the summit, register at www.digitalsummitsea.com 

Details of the event: 

Date: 20th & 21th April 2022 

Time: 10.00 am – 2.00 pm 

Platform: Online For more information, please contact: [email protected] or [email protected]

Programmatic advertising remains a key focus of brands looking to manage their campaigns at scale across the ever expanding range of digital channels. It is also fast becoming the key way for publishers to connect their inventory to wider eco-systems enabling them to monetize in the most effective ways possible. As Vietnam’s leading Video Ad Network Blueseed has played a huge part in connecting some of the key Supply Side Platforms (SSPs) since 2018 including Google Ad Manager and Gamma SSP.

In 2021 we continue this push towards expanded programmatic capabilities by joining with Pubmatic as a preferred SSP partner. This new partnership helps to supply Blueseed’s premium inventory to both PMP (Private MarketPlace) deals and Open Market Place. 

Launched in 2006 Pubmatic empowers app developers and publishers to increase monetization while enabling media buyers to drive return on investment by reaching and engaging their target audiences in brand-safe, premium environments across ad formats and devices. Pubmatic was selected by Group M in March 2021 to be a Global Preferred SSP Partner

With this Partnership Blueseed continues to offer the best programmatic services for both our advertising clients whilst helping our publisher partners to maximize their revenues.

Blueseed, a leader in Vietnam’s MarTech and AdTech industries, has taken its programmatic capabilities to new levels in a new partnership with Google DV360 DSP (Demand Side Platform).

Blueseed has already been providing local inventory to major programmatic buying platforms including Gamma SSP and Google Ad Manager for over 2 years. This has been highly effective in enabling top media agencies such as Group M and brands including Oppo, Shopee, Google to access PMP (Premium Market Place) deals on campaigns. 

DV360 is part of Google Marketing Platform providing brands advanced tools for advertising including audience targeting, wide ranges of ad formats, brand safety and more. 

Under this partnership with DV360 Blueseed now offer an even wider range of data driven marketing services leveraging the full strengths of Google’s Ad Platform in terms of reach, data utilization and technology all connected to Blueseed’s own data capabilities and extensive local inventory. 

DV360 covers formats like video, display, native, app install and audio ads enabling advertisers to connect with consumers in unique and powerful ways. 

For large scale extensive campaigns we recommend utilizing the power of DV360 in campaign management. Utilizing the platform we can develop advanced target audiences, manage audience retargeting and deliver best possible campaign deliverables and results. The platform can offer performance benefits in brand awareness phases right through to driving conversions in performance campaigns.

To learn more about how Blueseed and DV360 can take your next marketing campaign to new levels reach out to your account manager today.

Blueseed’s Rigel CDP Creates Premium Data Driven Audiences for Auto, Real-Estate and Construction/Manufacturing Industries – More Coming!

Rigel CDP is Blueseed’s own data platform developed to gather data from diverse sources enabling targeting specific audiences with highly relevant content. With this smarter approach we’re able to achieve objectives like lead generation, cross-selling and up-selling to existing customers and precise targeting to deliver the most efficient results possible. The Adtech and Datatech arm of Blueseed Group which includes Rigel, was launched in 2018. The most prominent projects to achieve new levels of success include client names like Bluescope Australia and Mitsubishi Motors.

How does it work? 

Rigel was specifically developed to combine data from multiple sources to a single source of truth. Some of the touchpoints we cover include transactional data, campaign behavior and interaction, online activity for example on site engagement, specific content viewed on site as well as engagements across social media and responses to specific campaigns. 

Riegel CDP modules focus on:

The cornerstone of driving value from all this data is creating a unique individual customer profile. Rigel CDP’s Data Warehouse currently holds over 20 million raw customer profiles with data attributes collected from many sources including behavioral, identity and personal data. As Rigel is an in house platform this can use specific information on a custom basis for various applications enabling us to delivery timely messaging across all channels bringing unmatched relevancy and campaign performance. Our data is enriched with descriptive data such as career information, lifestyle factors like hobbies and info and specific info from surveys. Rigel aggregates all this data creating a rich profile of the individual customer or a single customer view. Effectively we’re able to communicate in a 1-to-1 manner but at large scale across all touchpoints.

Data Transformation sees several data modelling layers applied across the data warehouse turning raw data into analytics ready and discoverable insights which can be utilized to create specific Custom Audiences.

Rigel’s Business Intelligence engine utilizes more than 50 key attributes to prepare very precise Custom Audiences that can be routed to downstream marketing platforms and delivered across touchpoints to highly relevant target audiences. 

Rigel has been successfully deployed in Auto, Real-Estate and Construction/Manufacturing industry campaigns. Currently the qualified target audience profiles for specific industries include approximately:

– Auto: 150,000 profiles

– Real-Estate: 150,000 profiles

– C-Level: 20,000 profiles

Next steps are to continue growing the scale of our audiences for these industries while expanding to Healthcare Providers (HCP) , Health and High Net Worth Individuals:

– HCP Audiences offer the most comprehensive coverage of healthcare providers, with unparalleled selectivity – professionals that influence decisions regarding pharmaceuticals, insurance, medical supplies and more.

– Health Audiences enable marketers to reach individuals based on specific medical ailment propensities, health/wellness lifestyle data and prevention indicators. Plus, it’s 100% HIPAA compliant protecting sensitive patient health information.

– HNWI Audiences goes beyond mere demographics and models to deliver people of means based on 3 key individual attributes: professional positions held, possessions owned and passions of Vietnam’s most affluent. This highly sought after audience presents the highest spending propensity in Vietnam and demand for high-end and luxury items.

Rigel excels by combining Blueseed Consumer or Business Data with a marketer’s 1st Party Data, Blueseed can create almost any custom audience to deliver previously impossible relevance at scale.